Kentuckiana Shetland Sheepdog Club
Welcome to Connections
We are building a library of links to all things Sheltie. Please return often to see what’s new.
Send your suggestions for additions to our collection to: Webmaster.
Meet the Sheltie
American Shetland Sheepdog Association
American Kennel Club
United Kennel Club
Third Party Links
This website contains links to websites which are not maintained by the KSSC. Links to third party websites are provided for your convenience and information only. Third party websites are not under the KSSC’s control and we are not responsible for the content or accuracy of those sites or the products or services offered on or through those sites. Nor can we guarantee that sites will not change without our knowledge. The inclusion of a link in this website does not imply the KSSC’s endorsement of the third party website nor that we are affiliated with the third party website’s owners or sponsors.

Next Membership Meeting
Location: TBA
Time: TBA
Contact: president@kyinssc.org for details

What's on your mind?
Send us a message.
Questions, comments, problems or suggestions about our Website, please send them to president@kyinssc.org
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